
CompTIA CS0-003 Dumps

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Exam Code CS0-003
Exam Name CompTIA CyberSecurity Analyst CySA+ Certification Exam
Update Date 08 Sep, 2024
Total Questions 332 Questions Answers With Explanation

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Question # 1

Which of the following makes STIX and OpenloC information readable by both humans andmachines?


Question # 2

A security analyst found the following vulnerability on the company’s website:<INPUT TYPE=“IMAGE” SRC=“javascript:alert(‘test’);”>Which of the following should be implemented to prevent this type of attack in the future?

A. Input sanitization
B. Output encoding
C. Code obfuscation
D. Prepared statements

Question # 3

A systems administrator receives reports of an internet-accessible Linux server that isrunning very sluggishly. The administrator examines the server, sees a high amount ofmemory utilization, and suspects a DoS attack related to half-open TCP sessionsconsuming memory. Which of the following tools would best help to prove whether thisserver was experiencing this behavior?

A. Nmap
B. TCPDump

Question # 4

Which of the following is the best action to take after the conclusion of a security incident toimprove incident response in the future?

A. Develop a call tree to inform impacted users
B. Schedule a review with all teams to discuss what occurred
C. Create an executive summary to update company leadership
D. Review regulatory compliance with public relations for official notification

Question # 5

Which of the following should be updated after a lessons-learned review?

A. Disaster recovery plan
B. Business continuity plan
C. Tabletop exercise
D. Incident response plan

Question # 6

A malicious actor has gained access to an internal network by means of social engineering.The actor does not want to lose access in order to continue the attack. Which of thefollowing best describes the current stage of the Cyber Kill Chain that the threat actor iscurrently operating in?

A. Weaponization
B. Reconnaissance
C. Delivery
D. Exploitation

Question # 7

Which of the following best describes the process of requiring remediation of a knownthreat within a given time frame?

C. Best-effort patching
D. Organizational governance

Question # 8

Which of the following can be used to learn more about TTPs used by cybercriminals?

C. National Institute of Standards and Technology
D. theHarvester

Question # 9

An analyst is evaluating a vulnerability management dashboard. The analyst sees that apreviously remediated vulnerability has reappeared on a database server. Which of thefollowing is the most likely cause?

A. The finding is a false positive and should be ignored.
B. A rollback had been executed on the instance.
C. The vulnerability scanner was configured without credentials.
D. The vulnerability management software needs to be updated.

Question # 10

A security program was able to achieve a 30% improvement in MTTR by integratingsecurity controls into a SIEM. The analyst no longer had to jump between tools. Which ofthe following best describes what the security program did?

A. Data enrichment
B. Security control plane
C. Threat feed combination
D. Single pane of glass