

Pass Certified Cloud Security Professional with our exact exam questions answers and practices your CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional exam online with practice test engine.

Exam Code CCSP
Exam Name Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)
Update Date 08 Sep, 2024
Total Questions 512 Questions Answers With Explanation

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Question # 1

Which data sanitation method is also commonly referred to as "zeroing"? 

A. Overwriting 
B. Nullification 
C. Blanking 
D. Deleting 

Question # 2

Which cloud service category most commonly uses client-side key management systems? 

A. Software as a Service 
B. Infrastructure as a Service 
C. Platform as a Service 
D. Desktop as a Service 

Question # 3

What are the U.S. State Department controls on technology exports known as? 


Question # 4

There are many situations when testing a BCDR plan is appropriate or mandated. Which of the following would not be a necessary time to test a BCDR plan?

 A. After software updates 
B. After regulatory changes 
C. After major configuration changes 
D. Annually 

Question # 5

BCDR strategies typically do not involve the entire operations of an organization, but only those deemed critical to their business. Which concept pertains to the amount of data and services needed to reach the predetermined level of operations? 


Question # 6

Which of the following best describes SAML? 

A. A standard used for directory synchronization 
B. A standard for developing secure application management logistics 
C. A standard for exchanging usernames and passwords across devices. 
D. A standards for exchanging authentication and authorization data between security domains. 

Question # 7

Tokenization requires two distinct _________________ . 

A. Personnel
 B. Authentication factors 
C. Encryption keys 
D. Databases 

Question # 8

A data custodian is responsible for which of the following? 

A. Data context 
B. Data content 
C. The safe custody, transport, storage of the data, and implementation of business rules 
D. Logging access and alerts

Question # 9

When using an IaaS solution, what is the capability provided to the customer? 

A. To provision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources when the consumer is able to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include OSs and applications. 
B. To provision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources when the auditor is able to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include OSs and applications. 
C. To provision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources when the provider is able to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include OSs and applications. 
D. To provision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental computing resources when the consumer is not able to deploy and run arbitrary software, which can include OSs and applications. 

Question # 10

Because cloud providers will not give detailed information out about their infrastructures and practices to the general public, they will often use established auditing reports to ensure public trust, where the reputation of the auditors serves for assurance. Which type of audit reports can be used for general public trust assurances? 

A. SOC 2 
B. SAS-70 
C. SOC 3  
D. SOC 1